Juli 20, 2021

Grifols endorses its commitment to a responsible business model and support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by formally joining the United Nations Global Compact

  • Grifols integrates the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its corporate strategy and actively contributes to 10 SDGs
  • The company offers an in-depth overview and analysis of its concrete actions to promote the SDGs in its Integrated Annual Report
  • The Global Compact serves as a catalyst to encourage companies and organizations to contribute toward the SDGs. Grifols participates through the Spanish Network of the Global Compact.

Barcelona, July 20, 2021.- Grifols formally endorsed its commitment to a responsible development model in alignment with the principles and objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. To this end, the company has integrated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its corporate strategy and pledged to offer a comprehensive assessment of its SDG contributions every year. In parallel, the company has formally joined the United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative, as another testament of its commitment.

According to Daniel Segarra, Grifols’ Senior Director of Investor Relations and Sustainability, "Our decision to join the UN Global Compact was a natural step that reflects the ethical leadership principles and solid values underpinning our business model. We are fully aligned with the UN’s 10 principles on human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption and have prioritized these issues in our strategic roadmap."

Grifols further bolstered its long-term sustainable development model through the recent creation of the Sustainability Steering Committee, which reports to the Sustainability Committee (a delegate of the Grifols’ Board of Directors) under the leadership of the Investor Relations and Sustainability Department. Testament to Grifols’ dedication to corporate responsibility and transparency, this committee will ensure the firm properly implements its SDG objectives, while helping to advance Grifols’ economic, social, environmental and corporate governance performance in benefit of its diverse stakeholders.

Grifols’ notable ESG performance in recent years has led to its distinction as one the world’s most sustainable companies and inclusion in several ESG rankings, among them, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) Euro, Euronext Vigeo Europe 120, Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120, FTSE4Good Global and Bloomberg's Gender-Equality Index (GEI).

At the same time, several agencies, including Standard & Poor's Global Rating, Moody's, Sustainalytics and ISS, recently assessed Grifols' ESG performance for the first time. Particularly noteworthy is the S&P rating, which gave Grifols one of the highest scores among Spanish companies evaluated to date and rated it above the overall European average; and Grifols’ entry into the "Prime" category according to the ISS ESG Corporate classification.

Grifols continues to advance its SDG contributions

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) came into force in January 2016 as the most ambitious action plan to date in favor of people, the planet and prosperity until 2030. The Global Compact, a UN initiative for corporate sustainability in the private sector, serves as a catalyst to help companies and organizations achieve the SDGs.

In 2018, Grifols carried out a materiality analysis to determine how it could best support the fulfillment of the SDGs. As part of the study’s findings, the company identified 10 SDGs to which it actively contributes: 5 priority, 4 relevant and one transversal. Since then, the company analyzes, evaluates, disseminates and publicly discloses its progress toward its SDG objectives in an Integrated Annual Report and specific corporate-stewardship report.

Grifols' Integrated Annual Report also offers a thorough assessment of the United Nations Global Compact’s four main pillars established to advance the 2030 Agenda: human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption.

Both documents are available for download on the Grifols website